15 Mustache-licious Dirty Jokes!

15 Mustache-licious Dirty Jokes!


Dirty jokes are a favorite pastime ‍for many people, and what better way to tickle your funny‍ bone​ than with a ⁢mustache-licious twist? In this article, we have compiled fifteen hilariously dirty jokes that are sure to leave you in stitches. So sit back, relax, and ⁢get ready for a good laugh!

Joke 1: The Hairy Situation

Question: What did the mustache say to the beard?

Answer: ‌I mustache you a question, but I’ll shave it for later!

Explanation: This joke plays on⁣ the pun between “mustache”⁢ and “must ask.” It humorously suggests that the mustache wants to ask⁤ something, but it will wait until ⁢later, or in other words, “shave” the question for later.

Joke 2: Hair-Raising Encounter

Question: ⁤What did one mustache say‌ to the other in a barbershop?

Answer: I mustache you to stop trimming around the bush!

Explanation: This joke cleverly combines the phrase “beat around the bush” with the concept of trimming facial hair in a barbershop. The mustache humorously asks⁣ the other‍ to stop hesitating or avoiding something.

Joke 3: A ⁣Close Shave

Question: What did the‍ mustache say to the⁤ razor?

Answer: You’re so sharp, you must be a cutting-edge kind of guy!

Explanation: This joke uses ‌wordplay to associate the ‍sharpness of a razor ‍with being both literally sharp ‍and “cutting-edge,” which is a term used to describe something advanced or innovative.

Joke 4: A Hairy Affair

Question: Why did the mustache never⁢ get invited to the mustache party?

Answer: It⁣ always rubbed people the ⁢wrong way!

Explanation: This joke plays on⁣ the pun between “rubbed the wrong ‌way”‍ and the‌ action⁢ of stroking ‍or touching a mustache. ‌It ⁤humorously suggests that the mustache irritated or annoyed people instead ⁣of being liked ​or appreciated.

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Joke 5: Mustache Magic

Question: How did the mustache become a magician?

Answer: It can van-ish in ‌a blink of an eye!

Explanation: ​This joke ⁣uses wordplay⁢ to associate the ‍word “vanish” with the action ⁤of a mustache mysteriously‍ disappearing or becoming invisible. It humorously suggests​ that the mustache has a magical ability to vanish quickly.

Joke 6: A Hairy Confession

Question: Why did the mustache break up with the beard?

Answer: It couldn’t handle the hairy truths any longer!

Explanation: This joke ​plays on ⁢the phrase “handle the​ truth” and ⁤humorously suggests that the mustache ended the relationship⁢ because ‌it⁢ couldn’t cope with the beard’s⁢ mysterious or uncomfortable revelations or confessions.

Joke 7: A Hilarious Misunderstanding

Question: Why did ‍the mustache think it was a good comedian?

Answer: ⁣Because it always made the ​crowd mustache ​with laughter!

Explanation: This joke cleverly plays on ⁤the pun between “mustache” ‍and “moustache,” humorously suggesting that the mustache had a talent for making the audience laugh so hard that‍ their ⁢mustaches (or moustaches) shook​ with laughter.

Joke 8: ⁤A​ Hairy‌ Dream

Question: What did the mustache tell its owner on New Year’s Eve?

Answer: Let’s make this year a hairy good ⁤one!

Explanation: This joke uses wordplay to associate the word “hairy” with having ‍a good or enjoyable time. It humorously suggests that the mustache ​encourages the owner to have a great‍ year, emphasizing the playfulness of‌ the phrase “hairy good one.”

Joke 9: Mustache Maintenance

Question: How does a mustache stay ‌fit?

Answer: It must-stache and flex regularly!

Explanation: This joke combines‌ the‌ word “mustache” with the phrase “must stay” to⁤ humorously suggest that for a mustache to stay fit, it needs to exercise or flex regularly.

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Joke 10: A Clever Disguise

Question: How does a mustache sneak into a party?

Answer: It cleverly disguises itself as an​ upper lip accessory!

Explanation: This joke humorously suggests that a mustache can disguise‍ itself ​by being an “upper lip accessory,” referring to ‌its natural placement ​on the upper ​lip as a style choice or fashion statement.

Joke ⁣11: A Mustache Makeover

Question: Why did the ⁣mustache go to the hair salon?

Answer: It⁣ wanted a fabulous makeover​ to boost its⁤ confidence!

Explanation: This‌ joke suggests that the mustache, like‍ any other hair, can be styled or groomed at a hair salon to enhance its appearance and ‍feel more self-assured.

Joke 12: Mustache and Math

Question: How does ‍a mustache⁣ solve complex equations?

Answer: It divides⁣ and conquers the numbers with ​style!

Explanation: This joke playfully combines the mathematical concept of “divide and conquer” with the⁤ mustache’s ability to tackle or solve equations by‌ humorously suggesting⁣ that it ‍does so with flair or in a stylish manner.

Joke 13: A Hairy Investigation

Question: Why did the detective grow a ‌mustache?

Answer: It gave him the perfect ⁤disguise to go ⁣undercover!

Explanation: This joke humorously suggests that the mustache can serve‌ as a convenient disguise for a⁤ detective to blend in or go undercover during investigations, emphasizing the ​playfulness of the phrase “perfect disguise.”

Joke 14: Mustache Party Costume

Question: What did the person​ wear to the mustache-themed costume party?

Answer: A⁤ stylish mustache ‍mask that left everyone ⁣speechless!

Explanation: This joke humorously describes the person’s costume for a mustache-themed party as a ‍”stylish mustache mask,” implying that it was so⁢ realistic or fashionable that ⁤it made ‍people speechless ⁣or ⁤unable to stop staring.

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Joke⁤ 15: A Hairy Road Trip

Question: How does a‍ mustache pack for a vacation?

Answer: It curls up with the essentials and hits the road!

Explanation: This joke humorously suggests that the mustache prepares for a vacation by curling up, ⁢which relates‌ to its shape, and gathers the necessary items before embarking ⁢on a trip, using wordplay to associate “hits the road” ‍with starting⁣ a journey.


And ‌there you have it, fifteen mustache-licious dirty jokes that are sure​ to have you in stitches! Remember, a good laugh is always a ‌great ⁣way to brighten your day. ⁤So go ‍ahead and share these jokes with your friends, family, or anyone who appreciates a good sense of humor. Keep those smiles and‌ laughter going!

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