21st Laughter: Jokes About Turning 21


Turning 21 is a milestone in every young person’s life.⁤ It marks the legal drinking age in many countries and is ⁢often associated with new freedoms and adventures. To celebrate this ⁢special occasion, we have compiled a list⁢ of hilarious jokes about ‌turning ⁤21 that will surely bring a smile to your face. So ‌sit back, relax, and​ get ready for some laughter!

Joke 1: The Emojis

Question: Why did the number​ 21 send the emojis laughing hysterically?

Answer: ​Because‌ it ⁣finally learned how to party! 🎉😂

Explanation: The number 21 is⁢ often associated with partying and having a good time. In this joke, it is personified as someone who has just discovered the joy of parties and is now sharing their excitement through emojis.

Joke 2: The ID Card

Question: Why⁢ did the 21-year-old⁣ keep his ID card attached to​ a‌ helium balloon?

Answer: Just⁤ in case he wanted to have a “high” proof of his age!

Explanation: This joke plays on the double meaning of “high.” While helium balloons float in the air, “proof” ‍is also a term used‌ to measure the alcohol content in beverages. The 21-year-old wants to show his proof of⁣ age while ‍also making ‌a playful‍ reference to getting a ​bit tipsy.

Joke 3: The Cake

Question: How ​did the cake wish the person ‍turning 21 a memorable birthday?

Answer: It gave them 21 reasons to laugh, one for each year of​ their life!

Explanation: Birthdays are often associated‌ with cakes, and in this joke, ⁤the cake⁤ chooses to ⁣celebrate the person’s 21st birthday by providing them with 21 reasons to laugh. It’s a sweet and thoughtful ⁢gesture, symbolizing the joy and happiness that comes with reaching this milestone.

Joke 4: The Bartender

Question: Why⁤ did the bartender have⁣ no problem serving the person who had ⁢just turned 21?

Answer: Because they knew it was finally legal ⁤for them to “beer” responsible!

Explanation: The wordplay in this joke revolves around the phrase “to be responsible” and the word “beer.” The bartender knows that now that the person has turned 21, it is legally permissible for them to drink beer responsibly without any issues.

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Joke 5: The Gift

Question: What did the person receive as a gift for‌ their 21st birthday to help them remember the occasion?

Answer: A ‌pocket-sized reminder of their right to have fun!

Explanation: The joke suggests​ that ‌the person received a small⁢ item, possibly a card or​ a keychain, with a message reminding them that they now have the‌ legal right to have ‌fun and enjoy themselves responsibly.

Joke 6: The Nightclub

Question: Why did the person who just turned 21 go to a nightclub carrying ⁤a ladder?

Answer: They wanted to be‍ one step⁤ closer to the best⁢ time of ⁣their life!

Explanation: By carrying a ladder,​ the person symbolically brings ​themselves “one step closer” to having the best⁤ time of their life. Going to a nightclub is often associated with having a fun and memorable experience, and by carrying a ladder, they humorously emphasize their determination to make the most of their newfound legal age.

Joke 7:⁣ The Card Game

Question: How did the deck of cards congratulate ⁣the person who just turned 21?

Answer: By dealing ​them a winning hand in life!

Explanation: Playing⁣ cards are often used as a metaphor for life. A “winning hand” ‌symbolizes success, happiness, and good fortune. In​ this ‍joke, the ⁤deck of cards ⁢acknowledges the person’s 21st birthday by metaphorically presenting them with a favorable and fortunate path in life.

Joke 8: The Toast

Question: What did the glass of champagne say to the person turning 21?

Answer: “It’s time to sparkle and ‍shine, just like ⁢me!”

Explanation: Champagne is​ often associated with celebrations and special occasions. In this⁤ joke, the glass ⁣of champagne uses ‌wordplay to encourage the person⁣ turning 21 ‌to embrace their newfound legal‍ age as an opportunity ⁢to shine and have a⁢ sparkling future.

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Joke 9: The Lottery Ticket

Question: How did the person who turned 21 celebrate their birthday with ⁤a lottery ticket?

Answer: ⁢They hoped to⁢ be “joke-HER”‍ lucky ​and win big!

Explanation: This joke combines the‍ word “joker”⁤ with the word “her” to create a playful wordplay. The person hopes that their lottery ticket will bring them luck, making them “joker-her” lucky, which sounds like “jackpot.” It’s a lighthearted way of expressing the person’s excitement and optimism about turning 21.

Joke 10: ⁤The Bouncer

Question: Why was the bouncer afraid to ask the person who just turned ⁤21 for their‌ ID?

Answer: Because they heard their age could cause severe laughter injuries!

Explanation: The joke ‌suggests that the person who ⁤just turned 21 is so funny ‍that they might cause severe laughter injuries. It’s a playful exaggeration that emphasizes the joy and humor associated with this‍ special milestone.

Joke 11: The Birthday Wish

Question: ⁣What did⁤ the person⁤ turning‌ 21 wish for when blowing out the⁢ candles on their birthday cake?

Answer: A life filled ⁣with laughter, joy, and endless opportunities to celebrate!

Explanation: ⁢Blowing out candles and making a wish is a common tradition on birthdays. In this joke, the person turning 21 expresses their desire for a life full of laughter, joy, and celebrations. It reflects‌ their positive outlook and excitement about ⁤entering adulthood.

Joke 12: The ‌Age Calculator

Question: How did the age‌ calculator “react” to⁢ the person turning 21?

Answer: ⁣It almost broke down with ‌laughter while confirming their‌ legal status!

Explanation: The age calculator is personified as‍ a device capable of‍ emotion and humor. ‍It hilariously reacts to the person turning 21 by almost breaking ​down with laughter. The joke also highlights the importance‌ of confirming the person’s legal age, which is often done ​with the ‍help of such calculators.

Joke 13: The Time Machine

Question: Why did the person who just turned 21 build a time machine?

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Answer: ‍ So they could ⁢travel back and forth in time to have even more 21st birthdays!

Explanation: ‍The joke suggests that the person who⁢ just turned 21 had such a great time on their special day that they want to experience‌ it again and again. By building ⁢a time machine, they ⁣humorously express their desire to⁣ travel back and forth ‍in time to have⁤ multiple 21st birthdays full of excitement and joy.

Joke 14: The Bus ⁣Ride

Question: What did the person who just turned 21 say to the bus​ driver while boarding?

Answer: “Next stop: a‍ fun-filled journey⁣ through the world of adulthood!”

Explanation: Boarding a bus symbolizes embarking on a​ journey. In this ​joke, the ‍person⁤ turning 21 playfully sets the tone for their journey through adulthood by‌ mentioning it‍ as a “fun-filled” adventure. They are ready to explore the opportunities, experiences, and responsibilities that come with entering this new phase of life.

Joke 15: The 21st-Lifetime Warranty

Question: What does turning 21 come with?

Answer: A⁣ lifetime warranty on laughter, ‍happiness, and unforgettable ​memories!

Explanation: The joke suggests that turning 21 comes with special benefits, just like a warranty. Instead of a traditional warranty that covers material things, this light-hearted warranty promises ⁢a lifetime of laughter,‌ happiness, and⁤ unforgettable memories as ⁤the​ person embraces their journey through adulthood.


Turning 21 is an exciting and memorable time in a person’s life. These jokes about turning 21 aim to bring smiles and laughter to celebrate this special milestone. Whether​ you’re turning ​21 yourself or know someone Who is, these jokes ⁢are sure to add some humor and joy to the occasion. So go ​ahead, share these ‌jokes and ‍have a good laugh as you celebrate this important milestone!

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